Rule 12

Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Fact 13

The first webcam video is from the University of Cambridge. The subject of the first live video feed? A coffee pot.

Rule 4

We are legion.

Rule 36

No matter how fucked up it is, there is always worse than what you just saw.

Rule 11

No matter how much you love debating, keep in mind that no one on the internet debates. Instead they mock your intelligence as well as your parents.

Fact 5

Google averages nearly 3 billion searches per day.

Rule 8

There are no real rules about posting.

Rule 18

Everything that can be labelled can be hated.

Rule 49

No matter what it is, it is somebody’s fetish.

Rule 67

90% of fanfiction is the stuff of nightmares.

Fact 8

One of the inventors of web as we know it, Tim Berners-Lee, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth.

RULE # 3

We are Anonymous.

Rule 72

If a song exists, there’s a Megalovania version of it.

Fact 14

The majority of internet use is not done by humans, but by malware and internet bots, which account for two-thirds of internet activity.

Rule 66

Everything has a fandom, everything.

Fact 15 was the first registered domain.

Rule 48

The only good hentai is Yuri, that’s how the internet works. Only exception may be Vanilla.

Fact 11

Barry is reported to be amazing.

Rule 40:


Rule 63

For every given male character, there is a female version of that character (and vice-versa). And there is always porn of that character.

Rule 62

It has been cracked and pirated. You can find anything if you look long enough.

Rule 20

Nothing is to be taken seriously.

Fact 6

The number of people in China who use the internet (640 million) is double the population of the whole United States.

Rule 34

If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.

Fact 17

Asia accounts for 1.7 billion of the internet’s 3.26 billion users.

Rule 16

If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.

Rule 10

/b/ is not your personal army.

Rule 35

If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it.

Fact 20

If the internet were measured in horsepower, it takes 50 million horsepower to run the internet today.

Fact 9

Korean rap sensation Psy’s song “Gangnam Style” holds the record for YouTube’s most viewed video ever. It has been viewed more than 2 billion times.

Fact 3

YouTube uploads 72 hours of video every single minute. Yes, it is mostly people’s pets.

Rule 65

If there isn’t, there will be.

Rule 29

On the internet men are men, women are also men, and kids are undercover FBI agents.

RULE # 0

Don’t fuck with cats.

Rule 38

No real limits of any kind apply here — not even the sky.

Rule 77

The Internet makes you stupid.

Rule 15

The harder you try, the harder you will fail.

Rule 19

The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

Rules 21-24

Original content is original only for a few seconds before it’s no longer original. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. Every post is always a repost of a repost.

Rule 45

When one sees a lion, one must get in the car.

Rule 5

We do not forgive, we do not forget.

Rule 61

Chuck Norris is the exception, no exceptions.

Fact 2

If the Internet were weighed, it would weigh about 2 ounces (50 grams).

Fact 18

File sharing and media streaming are responsible for more than half of the traffic on the web.

Rule 33

Lurk more — it’s never enough.

Rule 41

Desu isn’t funny. Seriously guys. It’s worse than Chuck Norris jokes.note

Rule 7

Anonymous is still able to deliver.

Fact 12

China has a treatment camp for people who suffer from internet addiction.

Fact 19

ATMs, which date all the way back to 1974, are considered the first major Internet of Things objects.

Rule 6

Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.

Rule 43

The more beautiful and pure a thing is — the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.

Rule 17

Every win fails eventually.

Rule 44

If it exists, there is a version of it for your fandom… and it has a wiki and possibly a tabletop version with a theme song performed by a Vocaloid

Fact 4

The current estimate of internet users is roughly 3.26 billion worldwide, or less than half of Earth’s population.